Endodontics (Canal Treatment)
Root canal treatment is applied when the dental nerve (pulp) is so damaged that it cannot repair itself. The pulp is the tissue in the innermost part of the tooth and is responsible for the development, nutrition and defense of the tooth. Broken teeth or deep cavities cause inflammation of the pulp. If the damaged or inflamed nerve is not removed, it will cause infection in the tooth and surrounding tissues and can lead to serious problems such as tooth loss. After the pulp tissue is removed, the canal space must be cleaned, shaped and filled with canal fillers. These procedures are known as root canal treatment.
The Process:
First of all, anesthesia is applied to the tooth to prevent pain. Then, the decaying tooth is cleaned, the inflamed pulp is removed, and the remaining nerve residues are cleaned. Afterwards, the channels are expanded and washed. In some cases, the healing is accelerated by placing drugs in the canals and a temporary filling is placed. Finally, the canals are filled up to the root tip with special filling materials compatible with the tissue. Root canal treatment is usually completed within 1 hour.