Breast Augmentation

If the size of the breasts is small compared to the body in general, the volume of the breasts can be increased by breast augmentation operation. All patients whose physical health allows for the operation can have breast augmentation surgery. With this operation, the breasts can be enlarged by several bra sizes by placing a prosthesis.

The Process:

The specialist decides on the operation after evaluating the patient’s psychological and physical preparation for surgery, breast tissue, current and desired dimensions. The type and size of the prosthesis and the incision site are determined by the joint decision of the patient and the doctor. In prosthesis placement surgeries, an incision is made in one of the three areas: under the breast line, under the armpit line or under the nipple. After the operation, the patient may be discharged the same day or may need to stay in the hospital overnight. During the recovery period, it is necessary not to do sports, not to carry heavy objects and not to lift arms for two weeks. By paying attention to these, the patient can return to normal life in a few days. There may be temporary loss of sensation or hypersensitivity in the nipple after the operation, which disappear within a few months.