The process of removing excess fat that accumulates in different parts of the body and cannot be eliminated by exercise and diet and shaping the body is called liposuction. Liposuction process is applied with methods such as laser, radiofrequency lipolysis and ultrasonic lipolysis as well as traditional liposuction method. The most common operation in fat removal with the liposuction method is performed around the abdomen and waist. In addition, liposuction is applied to different areas such as the inner and outer thighs, neck, upper arms. Liposuction is suitable for people who have not lost their skin elasticity and have regional fat problems.
The Process:
Before starting the liposuction process, the areas on the patient’s body that he wants to be treated are determined, drawn and marked by the specialist doctor. It can be applied under local or general anesthesia according to determining factors such as the region and duration of the procedure to be performed. In order to facilitate the absorption process, the fat in the targeted area is melted by ultrasonic waves or radio frequency waves. Excess fat in the area prepared for liposuction is removed by suction from the 0.5 mm hole opened in the body by means of special tools. There is no permanent scar on the body after the operation. The operation process varies according to the amount of fat to be removed from the body and the region. The targeted body shape emerges immediately after the liposuction procedure, but full recovery and the final contour occur at the end of approximately 3 months. After the operation, normal life is resumed within 1 to 4 days.