Face Lift and Face Aesthetics
Facial skin may sag over time or as a result of alcohol / cigarette use, air pollution, and exposure to sun rays. Operations in order to eliminate sagging skin on the face, neck and under the chin, and to stretch the face and cheekbones as a whole, are generally called facelifts. After the operation, a young and energetic appearance is obtained. This operation also provides the removal of deep lines on the rim of the mouth.
The Process:
In the facelift operation, the facial skin is lifted with an incision starting from the scalp above the ear and extending to the scalp at the back of the head. The tissue that forms the muscles that cause sagging is suspended with sutures and excess skin is removed to get rid of the slack in the chin, cheek and temple areas of the face. The operation, which is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room, takes an average of 2.5 – 3 hours. After the facelift operation, the patient is usually discharged on the same day. Stitches are removed after an average of one week and normal life can resume within 7-8 days.